What happens to recycled batteries?

After you’ve dropped off your batteries, what do we do to recycle them?

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Once collected from our drop-off points, they are taken to our specialist battery recycling depot. Here they are sorted according to what type of battery they are and their chemistry. This is an important step, as different battery types require different recycling methods.

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Once the batteries have been sorted, they are then shredded into smaller pieces. By shredding them, all the different metal components of the batteries – such as nickel, zinc, and lead – are easier to identify and separate later on.

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The shredded batteries are then passed through several sieves and ‘induced magnetic separators’, which work to identify and separate the different types of metals. Anything leftover such as carbon, plastic, or paper, is removed for further recycling.

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Each of the metals collected with then go through a ‘smelting’ process, and then any impurities removed to result in pure, high-quality metals that can now be used to make new products.

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Hazardous Waste Disposal

If any hazardous materials, such as acid or toxic substances, are left over after the purification process, these are treated and managed by certified waste management partners.

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Dead batteries can be dead useful!

A helping hand at the dinner table

Nickel is used to make stainless steel, used in products such as cutlery and utensils

In your next set of gadgets

Copper is used in the electronic and plating industries to make new products

Keeping your ceilings looking fresh

Zinc Oxide is used in household primers and paint to make it a brilliant white

We have over 30,000 locations across the UK where you can drop off batteries for recycling

Look out for our Battrecycle bins near you, with over 30,000 free battery collections points located at nationwide supermarkets, retailers, and local authorities. Simply search using your location below to find your nearest collection point!

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