
How to keep your batteries safe and sound at home

Wednesday, October 25, 2023
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How to keep your batteries safe at home

Hello battery enthusiasts!

In this post, we’re diving into a topic that’s both practical and essential: safely storing your portable batteries at home. We want to make sure you can collect those batteries ready to drop off for recycling while keeping safety a priority.

1. Battery Budd Basics

First things first, let's talk about choosing the right buddy for your batteries. When you're storing portable batteries at home, opt for the original packaging if you still have it. Never store them in a metal tin. If you don’t have the original packaging, consider using a battery organiser or a plastic case. This keeps them snug and prevents any accidental sparks.


2. Keep 'Em Separate

Batteries are quirky characters - they have their own unique personalities. Different types of batteries shouldn't cosy up together. Keep alkaline batteries away from rechargeable ones. Mixing and mingling may lead to unwanted reactions. So, let's give each battery type its own space to shine.


3. Avoid Extremes

Just like we prefer a cosy room temperature, batteries do too. Extreme heat or cold can mess with their mojo. So, don't store them in the fridge, oven, or by the radiator. Find a cool, dry spot where the temperature stays between 10°C and 20°C. That's the sweet spot for battery happiness.


4. Stay Upfront and Personal

Ever noticed how some things just get better with age? Well, batteries aren't one of those things. If you've got a pack of batteries sitting around for ages, they might lose their charge. To keep them fresh, try to use your oldest batteries first and rotate your stock. If you suspect an old pack of batteries has been hanging around for too long – time for them to be recycled!


5. Charge and Discharge

For those rechargeable batteries, it's important to remember to use them regularly. Don't let them sit around idle for too long. Charge them up and then let them discharge a bit before recharging. It's like giving your batteries a little exercise to keep them in tip-top shape.


6. Keep Out of Reach

Always keep your batteries out of sight and reach of curious hands. Button cells in particular present a choking hazard for children. Store up high and responsibly.


7. Check for Leaks

Now, let's get real– no one likes a leaky situation. Check your batteries periodically for any signs of leakage. If you spot anything, pop them into a plastic bag, wash your hands, and recycle them responsibly.


Remember, folks, we're all about making things simpler and safer for you. By following theseeasy-peasy steps, you'll not only keep your batteries in top-notch conditionbut also create a safer environment for you and your loved ones.

So, go ahead, be your battery's best friend, and let's keep the power flowing! With a little TLC and some common-sense storage, we can all ensure our dead batteries stay safe and ready to be recycled.


Stay safe, and don’t let dead batteries zap your mood!

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